Friday, September 24, 2010

I'm trying to decipher why I have been so unmotivated to paint as of late. Is it this house and its lack of my very own studio space that depresses me? Is it that I can't get as many hours of uninterrupted work time in as I'd like? Am I suffering from artist's block? Maybe all three. I dunno. I managed to scrape a couple small drawings out this week but I'd really like to feel like jumping back into my big painting, the one I hope to make into a triptych of sorts. I look at it and I think, "Meh." Maybe it's just not the right time for me to be working on that. Maybe my subconscious is keeping me away from it for the moment because my heart's just not in it right now.

I've finally started my twisted kids' book, "The Care and Feeding of Zombies". Not sure exactly how many pages I'm going to make it, but it's a fun little project. Probably will have to self-publish. It's going to be a LITTLE bit gory. I think I'm aiming for the 10-13 year old set. My tiger book (not horror) is still in limbo until I recover the text, which was misplaced when my computer was re-whatevered by my hubby last year. It's out there somewhere on the server, we just aren't sure where. And I DO have a friend's book which I need to illustrate as well. It's not for lack of's lack of momentum. I have to find my motivation this weekend somehow and get pounding out these projects.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Halloween is right around the corner, and I'm still undecided as to how I'm going to dress up, if I bother with anything. The fact that my daughter is 2 1/2 years old does play a part...I really can't dress up as something too scary lest I want a sleepless child for the next year. I wanted to find and rent a super good Yo Gabba Gabba costume (her fave), but that ship has sailed (old news now), and no costume shops offer anything like that around here anyway.

As for the Little Zombiephile, she's currently wandering the house in this year's costume, which I believe she'd wear day and night if we allowed it. I can't wait to go Trick or Treating with her again this year. Last year she really started to get it, and was quite the little pro by the end of the night! Plus, she collected so much candy, most of which she couldn't eat...what a shame, Daddy and I had to eat the majority of it ourselves...

It's the first day of Fall, my favorite season. I'm hoping to get some apple picking in this year with the little one, and we will most certainly be going to the pumpkin patches as well. I'm also hoping I can somehow convince some of my friends to come over for a horror marathon at some point as well. I was thinking a pot luck of sorts...bring a six pack of your favorite beer and a snack, and we'll all share. What do you think? Happy Fall, y'all!

Monday, September 20, 2010

I'm a horror fan. And I'm a chick.

We may be few and far between, but we're out there, and we're a force to be reckoned with. Gone are the "Boys Club" days of horror cons, horror art and horror film-making. And from what I'm understanding, the boys are quite all right with this idea of women infiltrating their ranks, which is a good thing. Guys aren't always so welcoming when it comes to such things (you know it's true, boys). :-)

I myself am a horror artist. I don't ONLY make horror art, but it comprises most of my portfolio, so I consider myself as such. I've gained quite the little following and hope to gain more fans as I begin making con appearances starting in 2011. I've designed zombie portraits for the Fright Rags crew and other friends, showed some stuff around Rochester, had a GREAT show with my friend Brad Daruszka at Dub Land Underground in May-June of 2010, and ithat's just the beginning of my adventure. I feel like I'm making my mark--finally. I have officially become a Woman of Horror.

I hope to meet some of you out there in the world, at cons, or at events in the Roc (like TEDxRochester in November of 2010, which my husband Tony co-organizes). I want to thank my good friends at Fright Rags, Ben Scrivens, Kristy Jett and Tim Kilmer, for all the opportunities they've bestowed upon me. I want to profusely thank my husband, who has always encouraged me to keep drawing and painting even when I felt I'd lost my edge. Also, I'd like to thank all the people I've met as a result of Fright Rags events: John Squires of Freddy in Space, Bill Adcock of Radiation Scarred Reviews, Zach Shildwachter of Z for Zombies, Sean of VHSPS, Jordan Garren of B Movie Film Vault, Terry Callen of Screaming Brain Studio, Chris Tanski, Jason Edmiston, Greg Doolittle, and about a bazillion other folks as well (sorry, it's 6 am and I've been up since 3...but know this: I love you even if your name's not listed here). Thank you all for your welcoming hugs, comments, assistance, and positive energy. I'm happy I'm starting out on my journey with you guys behind me, helping me along.