Friday, September 24, 2010

I'm trying to decipher why I have been so unmotivated to paint as of late. Is it this house and its lack of my very own studio space that depresses me? Is it that I can't get as many hours of uninterrupted work time in as I'd like? Am I suffering from artist's block? Maybe all three. I dunno. I managed to scrape a couple small drawings out this week but I'd really like to feel like jumping back into my big painting, the one I hope to make into a triptych of sorts. I look at it and I think, "Meh." Maybe it's just not the right time for me to be working on that. Maybe my subconscious is keeping me away from it for the moment because my heart's just not in it right now.

I've finally started my twisted kids' book, "The Care and Feeding of Zombies". Not sure exactly how many pages I'm going to make it, but it's a fun little project. Probably will have to self-publish. It's going to be a LITTLE bit gory. I think I'm aiming for the 10-13 year old set. My tiger book (not horror) is still in limbo until I recover the text, which was misplaced when my computer was re-whatevered by my hubby last year. It's out there somewhere on the server, we just aren't sure where. And I DO have a friend's book which I need to illustrate as well. It's not for lack of's lack of momentum. I have to find my motivation this weekend somehow and get pounding out these projects.

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